1. Divergent Basins (Extensional Basins)
Form due to crustal extension and thinning, commonly associated with rifting and continental breakup.
Examples: Rift basins, passive margin basins
a) Rift Basins
Develop along extensional fault zones where the lithosphere is stretched.
Characterized by normal faults, grabens, and half-grabens.
Common in early-stage continental breakup (e.g., East African Rift System, North Sea Rift).
Petroleum Significance: Excellent source rocks (lacustrine shales) and structural traps (fault-bounded reservoirs).
b) Passive Margin Basins
Found along continental margins after rifting stops and seafloor spreading begins.
Thick sequences of sediments accumulate due to thermal subsidence.
Examples: Gulf of Mexico, West African Margin.
Petroleum Significance: Rich in organic-rich marine shales (source rocks) and large sandstone reservoirs.
2. Convergent Basins (Compressional Basins)
Form due to plate collision and crustal shortening.
Examples: Foreland basins, forearc basins, backarc basins.
a) Foreland Basins
Develop adjacent to mountain belts due to crustal loading by orogenic (mountain-building) processes.
Examples: Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Persian Gulf Basin.
Petroleum Significance: Thick sedimentary sequences with excellent reservoirs and traps.
b) Forearc Basins
Form between an oceanic trench and a volcanic arc in subduction zones.
Examples: Peru-Chile Forearc Basin, Japan Forearc Basin.
Petroleum Significance: Complex depositional environments with potential gas accumulations.
c) Backarc Basins
Located behind volcanic arcs, formed due to slab rollback and extension.
Examples: Sea of Japan, South China Sea.
Petroleum Significance: Potential hydrocarbon-bearing sedimentary sequences.
3. Transform Basins (Strike-Slip Basins)
Develop along strike-slip fault zones, where crustal blocks move laterally.
Examples: San Andreas Fault Basin, Dead Sea Basin.
Petroleum Significance: Contain localized pull-apart basins with high sedimentation rates and hydrocarbon potential.
4. Intracratonic Basins
Form within stable continental interiors, often due to slow thermal subsidence.
Examples: Williston Basin (USA), Illinois Basin.
Petroleum Significance: Long-lived source rock maturation, leading to extensive hydrocarbon accumulations.
5. Cratonic Rift and Failed Rift Basins (Aulacogens)
Ancient rift basins that did not evolve into full ocean basins.
Examples: West Siberian Basin, Reelfoot Rift (USA).
Petroleum Significance: Preserve thick organic-rich sediments suitable for oil and gas generation.
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