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Postdoc in remote sensing and ecosystem modelling Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research

Postdoc in remote sensing and ecosystem modelling Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research

Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
The Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL is part of the ETH Domain. Approximately 600 people work on the sustainable use and protection of the environment and on the handling of natural hazards.
The Research Unit Forest Dynamics assesses the effects of changing environmental conditions on forest ecosystem functioning. We are offering for 7 months a position as
Postdoc in remote sensing and ecosystem modelling
You will investigate ecosystem photosynthesis and impacts of extreme cold temperature events in the early season. The challenge is to identify causes, understand mechanisms, and to quantify effects at the continental scale. To achieve this, you will work with ecosystem eddy covariance flux measurements from a large number of sites, develop model parametrisations to resolve apparent model bias, and investigate links between flux measurements and multispectral remote sensing data. You will be part of a diverse group with complimentary expertise, relevant for this project and with a strong collaborative philosophy. You will benefit from a world-leading academic environment at WSL and ETH Zürich (through co-supervision) and the excellent quality of life in Switzerland. The funding for this project is seven months and opens the door for upcoming opportunities within the groups of project collaborators at WSL and ETH Zürich. Your working place will be at WSL in Birmensdorf (approx. 20 min outside of Zurich). For further information about the project please visit the website
You hold a PhD in ecology or environmental sciences with a particular focus in remote sensing or environmental modelling. This position requires independent and creative thinking to formulate hypotheses; familiarity with plant ecophysiology, remote sensing and eddy covariance data; a robust skill set for methods in environmental data science (analysis of large datasets and mechanistic ecosystem modelling modelling); and the curiosity and intrinsic motivation to address an important research challenge for a better understanding of global environmental change and climate impacts.
Please send your complete application to Stefania Pe, Human Resources WSL, by uploading the requested documents through our webpage. Applications via email will not be considered. Questions regarding the position can be directed by email or phone to project collaborators Prof. A. Gessler (, +41 44 739 28 18), Prof. B. Stocker (, +41 44 632 48 90), Dr. Petra D'Odorico (, +41 44 739 20 46), or Dr. Christian Ginzler (, +41 44 739 25 51). The WSL strives to increase the proportion of women in its employment, which is why qualified women are particularly called upon to apply for this position.
Apply now
Apply with xeebo
Zürcherstrasse 111, CH-8903 Birmensdorf

Vineesh V
Assistant Professor of Geography,
Directorate of Education,
Government of Kerala.


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