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PhD position PhD in seasonal prediction of harmful algaeblooms Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center

PhD position PhD in seasonal prediction of harmful algaeblooms Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center

The Nansen Center is an independent non-profit research foundation located in Bergen, Norway. We conduct multidisciplinary research with a focus on the marine environment, cryosphere and atmosphere, where scientific activities are closely integrated with innovation and service development. The Arctic is one of our main areas of attention.
NERSC takes an active part in training and capacity building for students and young scientists, as well as dissemination to stakeholders in public and private sector and society in general.
The Nansen Center is an international workplace with some 70 employees from 24 nations.
The Doctoral fellowship position
The Nansen Center has a vacancy for a Doctoral fellowship (PhD candidate) in the field of climate prediction. The position is an institute-defined PhD topic, which is fully funded by the Research Council of Norway for a three-year period. The candidate will be employed at NERSC and formally complete the doctoral degree at the University of Bergen.
NERSC introduced the Ensemble Kalman Filter (EnKF) data assimilation method in the 1990s and has maintained its further theoretical development and application, including combination of data assimilation with machine learning. The center develop and maintain two state-of-the-art prediction systems: The Earth System seasonal-to-decadal predictions with the Norwegian Climate Prediction Model (NorCPM) and the real-time ocean and sea ice forecasting system for high latitudes within the European Copernicus Marine Environmental Monitoring Services.
The candidate will focus on research for the identification of harmful environmental conditions related to ocean fisheries and aquaculture. The candidate will analyse in-situ, satellite observations and model simulations and explore the use of machine learning techniques to predict the risks of occurrence of harmful algae bloom in Norway at sub-seasonal to seasonal time scales. The prediction scheme will be fed by existing dynamical climate predictions (e.g NorCPM, C3S) and real-time ocean colour satellite data.
The candidate will be supervised by Dr. François Counillon who has expertise on data assimilation and climate prediction and Dr. Julien Brajard who has expertise on machine learning and remote sensing.
For ranking of qualified candidates, the following criteria will be evaluated:
A master´s degree or equivalent (eligible for registration as a PhD candidate at University of Bergen) in applied mathematics, Earth system science, physics, engineering, or computer science is required
Experience with machine learning and/or data assimilation is a strong asset
Knowledge in oceanography, biogeochemistry or climate dynamics would be beneficial
Good skills in programming and data analysis software is expected
Good written and oral communication skills in English
Personal Qualities
We are seeking a highly motivated candidate with excellent problem resolving skills and who will actively participate in and cooperate with our scientists. The candidate will gain experience from a research institute as well as the formal university education.
We offer
Interesting and challenging tasks
Supervision by acknowledged professionals within data assimilation, machine learning, remote sensing and data analysis
Work in a research-intensive, international, informal, and social academic work environment
Salary and social benefits according to national regulations for doctoral fellowships
Access to supercomputing facilities
For further information about the position, please contact
Dr. François Counillon for scientific questions: e-mail:, tlf: 99351953
Head of Administration Christine Sivertsen for administrative issues: e-mail:, tlf: 90788115.
Submission deadline: August 1st, 2020
Areas of Research
Atmospheric Physics & Meteorology
Fisheries & Aquaculture
Marine Biology


Vineesh V
Assistant Professor of Geography,
Directorate of Education,
Government of Kerala.


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