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Showing posts from December, 2022

Fourier analysis in remote sensing

Fourier analysis is a mathematical tool used in remote sensing to analyze the spatial and spectral characteristics of a target. It is based on the principles of Fourier theory, which states that any complex signal can be represented as a combination of simple sine and cosine waves of different frequencies. In remote sensing, Fourier analysis is used to decompose a signal into its individual frequency components. This allows for the identification of specific patterns and features in the data, such as periodic changes in land cover or spectral signatures of different materials. The Fourier transform is applied to the data to create a spectral representation of the signal, which can be used to identify and analyze individual frequency components. This can provide valuable information about the spatial and spectral characteristics of the target, and can be used to improve image interpretation and classification. Overall, Fourier analysis is an important tool in remote sensing for understa

Convolution in remote sensing

Convolution is a mathematical operation used in remote sensing to combine two functions, typically a signal and a kernel, in order to extract specific features from the data. It is based on the principle of convolution, which states that the output of the operation is the integral of the product of the two functions over a specified interval. In remote sensing, convolution is often used to apply a spatial filter to an image in order to highlight specific features or patterns. This is typically done by defining a kernel, which is a small matrix of weights that is applied to the image in a sliding window fashion. The kernel is then convolved with the image, resulting in a new image that has been filtered to emphasize specific features. Convolution is an important tool in remote sensing for a number of reasons. It can be used to enhance image contrast and improve the visual appearance of the data. It can also be used to extract specific features from the data, such as edges or textures, w

low pass filter in remote sensing

A low pass filter is a type of filter that allows low frequency signals to pass through, while blocking or attenuating high frequency signals. In remote sensing, low pass filters are often used to remove noise or other high frequency interference from the acquired data. Low pass filters are commonly used in multispectral and hyperspectral imaging sensors to eliminate noise and improve signal to noise ratio. Low pass filters can be implemented in both hardware and software. Hardware filters are typically installed in the sensor itself, while software filters can be applied to the acquired data during post-processing. Low pass filters can be designed with different cut-off frequencies, which determines the range of frequencies that are allowed to pass through the filter. The use of low pass filters can reduce the spatial resolution of the acquired data, as high frequency signals that contribute to fine details in the image are removed. Low pass filters can also reduce the contrast of an

high-pass filter . Remote Sensing

In remote sensing, a high-pass filter is a type of image processing tool that enhances the fine details in an image by suppressing low frequency components and enhancing high frequency components. This can be useful for emphasizing features such as edges, ridges, and textures in the image. High-pass filters work by applying a mathematical operation to the pixels in an image that amplifies the differences between adjacent pixels. This results in an image that has higher contrast and better definition of the small-scale features. There are several different ways to implement a high-pass filter, including using convolution kernels or frequency domain techniques such as the Fourier transform. The specific approach used will depend on the characteristics of the image and the desired results. High-pass filters are commonly used in remote sensing to extract information about the surface features of the Earth or other celestial bodies. They can be applied to both visible and non-visible wavele

Along-track scanners Or push-broom scanners

Multispectral imaging Using Linear Arrays Or Along-track scanners Or pushbroom scanners linear array of detectors (A) focal plane of the image (B)  formed by lens systems (C) ground resolution cell (D)

Whisk broom scanner or Across the track scanner

Multispectral imaging; Using Discrete Detectors and Scanning mirrors Or Across the track scanner Or Whisk broom scanner. rotating mirror (A). internal detectors (B) IFOV (C) ground resolution cell viewed (D) angular field of view (E) swath (F)

Edge detection or edge enhancement in remote sensing

Edge detection is a common technique used in remote sensing to identify and extract the boundaries or edges of objects in an image. This can be useful for identifying changes in land cover, detecting features such as roads or buildings, and improving the overall interpretation and classification of an image. Edge detection algorithms typically use mathematical techniques to identify abrupt changes in pixel values within an image. These changes may indicate the presence of an edge or boundary between two distinct objects or areas. Edge detection is an important tool in remote sensing for a number of reasons. It can be used to identify objects or features in an image, such as roads, buildings, or vegetation. It can also be used to improve image classification by highlighting important features that may not be easily visible in the raw data. Additionally, edge detection can be used to improve image registration and mosaicking, by providing a common reference point for aligning multiple im

Spatial filtering in remote sensing

Spatial filtering encompasses another set of digital processing functions which are used to enhance the appearance of an image. Spatial filters are designed to highlight or suppress specific features in an image based on their spatial frequency. Spatial frequency is related to the concept of image texture. It refers to the frequency of the variations in tone that appear in an image. "Rough" textured areas of an image, where the changes in tone are abrupt over a small area, have high spatial frequencies, while "smooth" areas with little variation in tone over several pixels, have low spatial frequencies. A common filtering procedure involves moving a 'window' of a few pixels in dimension (e.g. 3x3, 5x5, etc.) over each pixel in the image, applying a mathematical calculation using the pixel values under that window, and replacing the central pixel with the new value. The window is moved along in both the row and column dimensions one pixel at a time and the ca

Spatial feature manipulation in remote sensing

Spatial feature manipulation in remote sensing refers to the process of altering or modifying the spatial characteristics of a particular feature in an image or data set. This can be done for a variety of reasons, such as to improve the accuracy or clarity of the image, to enhance the interpretability of the data, or to extract specific information from the image. One common method of spatial feature manipulation is resampling, which involves changing the resolution or spatial extent of an image. This can be done to match the resolution of other data sets, to reduce the size of the image for faster processing, or to increase the resolution for greater detail. Another technique is spatial filtering, which involves applying mathematical operations to the image data to remove noise or highlight specific features. This can be done using convolution filters, which apply a pre-defined mathematical function to the image data, or using image enhancement techniques, such as contrast stretching

Filtering in Remote Sensing. Convolution. Edge enhancement. Low pass filter and High-pass filter

Filtering in Remote Sensing. Convolution. Edge enhancement. Low pass filter and High-pass filter Spatial filtering is a technique used in remote sensing to enhance the spatial resolution of an image. This is typically done by using a mathematical algorithm to process the raw data collected by the remote sensing instrument, with the goal of reducing noise and improving the overall quality of the image. Spatial frequency in remote sensing refers to the density of spatial details or features in an image. It is a measure of how quickly the intensity or brightness of an image changes over a given distance. High spatial frequency indicates a high density of fine details or edges in an image, while low spatial frequency indicates a low density of fine details or edges. Spatial frequency is an important concept in remote sensing because it can affect the ability to detect and interpret features in an image. It can also be used to evaluate the quality and usefulness of an image for certain type

Concept of Region in Geography

Concept of Region in Geography In geography, regions are the areas that are broadly divided by its physical characteristics (physical geography), human impact characteristics (human geography), and the interaction of humanity and the environment (environmental geography).  Geographic regions and sub-regions are mostly described by their imprecisely defined, and sometimes transitory boundaries, except in human geography, where jurisdiction areas such as national borders are defined in law.  In the 20th century regions were classified into different categories ( different functional regions or planning regions) with the help of different statistical methods showing functional homogeneity in multiple attributes  At present, the Region and regionalization get wide spectrum through the planning process in any country or a state or small unit of a natural, functional, or vernacular region of the word; to achieve the goal of sustainable development. Characteristics of Region  A region is an a