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Showing posts from April, 2023

Kerala MVD AI Camera. GIS based Intractive Web Map Kerala MVD AI Camera. GIS based Intractive Web Map

River. Channel. Terminology

Channel belt terminology. This schematic illustration of the channel belt extent includes the encompassing area of straight, sinuous, meandering, braided, and anabranching river channels (active and abandoned) and its associated levees, bars, and overbank landforms.

Resilience, mitigation, and vulnerability

Resilience, mitigation, and vulnerability are important concepts in disaster management and risk reduction. Resilience refers to the ability of a system, community, or individual to withstand and recover from shocks or stressors. It involves the ability to adapt, learn, and grow stronger in the face of adversity. Resilience can be built through measures such as improving infrastructure, diversifying livelihoods, strengthening social networks, and promoting mental health and well-being. Mitigation refers to actions taken to reduce the risk of disasters and their impacts. It involves measures such as hazard mapping, land-use planning, building codes and standards, and early warning systems. The goal of mitigation is to reduce the likelihood of a disaster occurring, as well as to minimize its effects if it does occur. Vulnerability refers to the susceptibility of a system, community, or individual to the impacts of a disaster. It is influenced by factors such as poverty, inequality, inade

Remote Sensing and Disaster Management. Applications.

Remote sensing technology has proven to be an effective tool for disaster management. Here are some applications of remote sensing in disaster management: Early Warning Systems: Remote sensing data is used to monitor natural hazards such as hurricanes, typhoons, floods, and tsunamis, and provide early warning systems to the authorities, allowing them to take timely action to mitigate damage. Damage Assessment: Remote sensing data can be used to quickly assess the extent of damage caused by a disaster. This information is useful in determining the areas that require immediate assistance and aid. Search and Rescue: Remote sensing data can help locate stranded individuals or missing persons during a disaster. It can also be used to monitor the movement of rescue teams and assist in their deployment. Urban Planning and Management: Remote sensing data can be used to create maps and models of urban areas, which can be used for emergency response planning and management. Agricultural Disaster